Down Another 1.2 This Week!

At 198.4, I am currently 1.6 below my Goal weight. Feels great and that is Thanks to a couple of major Non Scale Victories!

First, I had participated in a Podcast talking about my WW journey. I confess that putting myself out there has always been a struggle for me. Not only I consider myself to be socially awkward. But also, it can be very difficult to make a long story short, as far my own WW journey is concerned. Especially I have had my fair share of Triumphs & Bumps in the road.

The next big NSV I had scored was when I attended an LGBT event in my neighborhood and the MC called me on stage to sing. Was I nervous? Yes! But once I had started to sing, it was my nerves went away. But do not expect me to be on American Idol or The Voice anytime soon! LOL! Anyways, I had songs made famous by Lou Rawls, Stevie Wonder and Kenny Rogers. At the event, I had focused on the people & not the food. I did, however, took a small portion of some the food home with and became my food treat for my current WW Freestyle week in progress.

Next weekend, I will return to the WW workshops for my August monthly weigh-in. Right now, I am in fine shape. But of course, I have to stay focused on tracking my food and activity, making good food choices & keep my emotions in check so I do not turn to food to cure them.

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